Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Bows ...

Just a quick dash to send these out-

The rose bow in this group has been modified with a color change; the additional bows reflect it.

Chech it out !

Download Bouquet of Bows HERE

link renewed: 6/10/2009


  1. great bows, thanks so much for sharing

  2. You've been tagged! I am a member of Adsdesigners and was tagged by a fellow member :) I have posted on my blog and am now tagging you =) You can visit my blog at for more instructions if you want to play! Have a wonderful day!!


  3. Such a shame, the link is not working. :o(

  4. Beautiful bow's and all of your lacey frames and ribbons I love them all!! 4shared must be weird cuz this link is acting broken here for bouquet of bows 2. Boys and girls pieces were also broken.. : )
    Thank you for all of your lovely designs!!


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Want a reply? e-mail me ! I enjoy your comments so much-and learn a lot, too.Blessings and hugs- Catt