Monday, January 14, 2008

Been busy .....

Howdy, folks! Been running around lately, which is quite new for me. I've been house-bound for a couple of years, but thanks to a new power chair and the most amazing gift of a wheel-chair accesible van, I'm styling now !:-) I actually went to the Mall and took my daughter shopping. Whee-haa! Shoot, I've been to church 3 Sundays in a row, which beats the 4 times I made for the whole last year.

Needless to say, I've been excited, and distracted. It's fun, but I missed the sanity of my quiet time with the 'puter. Found some bows to share, so here they are:

Download is in 2 parts: Here & Here. Enjoy!


  1. lovely colored bows. tfs

  2. these little bows are so cute, thank you and congrats on being able to get out and about. I'll bet that sure makes you feel good lol lol


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